Vastly increase throughput in your lab by integrating our robotic high throughput tray loader. Equipped to handle 81+ slides, the robotic tray loader keeps the lab operating overnight, providing scanned images ready for analysis first thing in the morning.
A benefit of the full tray loader is the ability to continuously add new trays while in operation. A lab can have the robot running 24 hours a day by periodically inserting new trays into the loader for effectively infinite capacity.
Tray loader
Unattended continuous slides scan -Non-stop tray replacement for continuous, infinite capacity Robotic precision Barcode reading for automatic case and sample identification Optional oil dispenser for unattended high magnification capture using oil objectives 9-slide trays to handle three cases of triple slide probes Desktop design with front loading transparent cover to view trays status
FDA cleared for the following GenASIs applications: ALK, BandView, FISHView, UroVysion, CEP XY & HER2/neu FISH